Aarti of Manushi Swachhnarayani: The Broom Wielding Goddess of Good Governance & Self Respecting Citizens


Lyrics and translation:


जय जय स्वच्छ नारायणी, जय जय स्वच्छ नारायणी,
जन जन की सुखदायिनी। जन जन की सुखदायिनी।
एक हाथ में झाडू रखती, भ्रष्टाचार बुहारनी।।
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
Jai Jai Swachhnarayani, jai jai Swachhnarayani
She takes care of the well being of all.
Wielding a broom in her hand, She cleanses away corruption
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era.

सींक-सींक मिल शक्ति बढ़ती,
एक सींक कुछ नहिं कर सकती।
रहो एक जुट हमें सिखाती, माता बुद्धि दायिनी।।
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
East stick that constitutes the broom is by itself weak
When the same sticks are tied together they become strong’
Our Mother, who bestows wisdom,
teaches us to stay united for our common cause.
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era

एक हाथ में लिये कैमरा,
इसमें सबका कर्म है भरा
अफसर नौकर कोई न छूटे,
सबका रखती लेखा-जोखा।
यथायोग्य फलदायिनी
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
She carries a video camera in one of her hands,
She keeps track of the doings of each of us.
Neither high officers, nor humble servants escape her careful scrutiny.
Our Mother rewards each of us as per our doing.
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era

एक हाथ में घड़ी सुहाती,
चलो वक्त के साथ बताती।
समय से बदलो कानूनो को
कहे काल चक्र स्वामिनी।।
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
One of her hands is adorned with a watch,
It reminds us to move with the march of time,
Change our laws as per the changing times,
Says the Swamini of Kaalchakra (The Deity of Changing Epochs)
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era

एक हाथ में लिये रूपैया।
कहती हमको अपनी मैया,
सच्चाई से करो कमाई
इज्ज़त के संग जीना भैया।
निर्भय जीना हमें सिखाए।
निर्भय मुद्रा धारिणी।।
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
With a coin placed in one hand (held in abhaya mudra)
Our Mother tells us to earn our living through honest means.
She teaches us to aspire for a life of dignity.
She with her hand in nirbhay mudra, teaches us to live fearlessly,
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era.

एक हाथ माता के दीपक
अंधकार का बने निवारक
दीन दुखी की सदा सहायक
माँ आशा संचारिणी।
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
One hand of our Mother carries an earthen lamp
Our Mother, the Dispeller of darkness,
Forever protecting the weak and vulnerable,
Our Mother, the Giver of hope.
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era.

कैलकुलेटर एक हाथ में
बही खाता भी उसके साथ में।
जनता और सरकार का लेखा।
साफ-साफ है इसके हाथ में
पारदर्शिता धारिणी।
माँ पारदर्शिता धारिणी।।
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
She carries a Calculator in one hand along with an account book.
She holds in her palm the accounts of governments as well as each one of us.
She is the epitome of transparency
Our Mother, the epitome the transparency.
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era.

कहे तराजू माँ के हाथ
न्याय की राह चलो इक साथ
हम भी अपने काम को तोलें, हमें बताती अपनी मात
नीति सत्य की वादिनी, माँ नीति सत्य की वादिनी।
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
The weighing balance in one of the hands of our Mother
Reminds us to work together to achieve justice.
Our Mother urges us to weigh our own actions carefully
The message of truth and righteousness emanates from her music.
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era.

एक हाथ जो लिये कलम है,
ज्ञान शक्ति का ये परचम है।
लेखनी है तलवार से बढ़कर।
हम सबका विश्वास अटल है।
है माँ ज्ञान प्रदायिनी,
माँ है ज्ञान प्रदायिनी
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
She carries a Pen in one hand -a symbol of knowledge based power
We have unflinching faith that the Pen is mightier than any sword.
Our Mother is the Bestower of Gyan (knowledge)
She is the bestower of Wisdom.
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era.

शंख बिराजे माँ के हाथ गूजें
इसमें साहस का नाद
सदा गूंजती रहती इसमें।
लोकतंत्र की रागिनी।।
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
A Conch sits royally in our Mother’s hands,
It echoes her clarion call for courage in struggle,
The melody of people’s power emanates incessantly from this conch.
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era.

एक हाथ में जौं की बाली।
इसमें है मेहनत की लाली।
जो बीजो वो फल पाओगे
मेहनत न जाए कभी भी खाली।
यथा योग्य फल दायिनी, यथा योग्य फल दायिनी
आई है तो जुल्म मिटायेगी, यह तो नया जमाना लायेगी।
There is a stalk of barley in one of her hands.
It symbolizes the glow of hard honest labour.
You will reap as you sow’
Hard work never goes waste.
Our mother rewards each of us as per our endeavours.
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era.

मां बिराजे बीच कमल,
कहे, मेहनत से बनो सफल।
भ्रष्टाचार के कीचड़ से, खुद को बचाओ तुम हर पल।।
सुन्दर समाज का हो सृजन, गर अन्याय को करो दफ़न।।
She stands upon a lotus flower
It symbolizes honestly-earned wealth,
She urges us to save ourselves from the cesspool of corruption
She urges us to create a world which has no place for injustice.
Now that She has arrived, She will wipe out tyranny, She will usher in a new era.


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